[formatp]My god, what a tediously insufferable film this turned out to be. First of all, I am a big fan of the found footage supernatural/horror genre and love watching even the lesser acclaimed films. I am the type of viewer that draws the positives out of a very flawed film and enjoy it. So I expected to enjoy something out of this at the very least. There is absolutely no innovation or any attempt to try something new. It is so painfully boring.[/formatp]

Samantha in movie devil's dueThe orphan Samantha (Allison Miller) gets married with Zach McCall (Zach Gilford) and they travel in honeymoon to Santo Domingo. In their last night in the Dominican Republic, the newlywed couple is invited by a taxi driver to go to a party in the outskirts of Santo Domingo. They drink too much and do not see that Sam is brought to a weird cult. They return to the United States and soon Sam discovers that she is pregnant. Along the pregnancy, Sam changes her behavior and becomes nervous and aggressive. On the night of the delivery, Zach witnesses weird events at home.

The concept idea was very promising which is basically a found footage rendition of “The Omen” or “Rosemary’s baby”. However, this film is so dire at engaging the audience due to the most irritable protagonist I have ever seen so far in a found footage type movie. For more than half of the movie, we are tortured with the sickly antics of a doting husband on his newlywed wife. There is no natural humor to ease the torment and worse for a film of this type, there were actually no scares until the last act.

The best moments of this film were those scenes showing Samantha’s repulsive eating habits, her super-telekinetic powers, and her effect on Catholic priests. The rest of the film was unfortunately forgettable, all the way up to the predictable climax.

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