[formatp]Star Trek Into Darkness is aptly named. It is rich in plot detail and exciting to watch. It will have many people sitting on the edge of their seats, willing those embroiled in battle to succeed. Even the villain (stunningly portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch) warrants a certain amount of sympathy from all fair minded people.[/formatp]

Star Trek Into Darkness, combining action with exquisite sci-fi scenes as well as human behavior.

Into Darkness is mainly a fast paced action film interspersed with scenes of human interest which facilitates the deeper development of the main characters and their inter-relationships. The phrase ‘bonding under fire seems appropriate.

Star Trek ship

Surprises awaits you in the newest Star Trek movie.

The film has some cliché moments which can’t be avoided often with a film this scale however they make use of them well and still pack plenty of surprises. As well as this, despite not being a proper Trekkie myself, some moments gave me goose bumps from the awesomeness from seeing the Enterprise for the first time for example, which greatly honoured the original series. J.J. Abrams‘ lens flares helped create more realism in a lot of the scenes despite the fact he often overuses of them.

Overall, a mesmerising film with nice homages to the original series, one filled with heart, grace, innovation, superb characters and acting and some impressive, clever visuals and immersive 3D, one of the only times I can say that.

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