[formatp]Being a player since the beta version I’ve witnessed lotsa changes in the game, most of the changes being in the champion composition, (Cough) better add something to actual change in this game, like maps for example, (Cough) Better nerf Irelia.[/formatp][CustomTables]

It’s kinda an outdated joke at this point but way back in season 2 was a super-popular notion but in the end, no matter what happened, Irelia would get nerfed. AD carries are too strong? Better nerf Irelia, supports need more gold? Better nerf Irelia. Junglers are too weak? Better nerf Irelia. You get the idea. But it’s funny because Irelia didn’t actually received that many nerfes at all.

Throughout this list I kept this things very technical ranking every single champion an overall Nerf Score. Big nerfs are worth 3 points, medium sized nerfs are worth 2 poins and minor nerfs are worth 1 point, making the overall points of every single champion I come up with a list of the top 10 most nerfed champions of all time, and on that list Irelia scores an 8 overall score, which doesn’t put her in the top 14 most nerfed champions.

This list is only till the patch 6.6 so who knows maybe along the line there would be a completely new list.

10. Ezreal

most nerfed champions list[formatp]It had 5 minor nerfs, 4 medium sized nerfs and one big boy nerf, putting him at a total point of 16. He was released on march 16th 2010 or on patch 79.[/formatp]

His 1st nerf took place on patch 85, 2 months after his release which lowered the heal on his Essence Flux. On patch 87 he received a medium sized nerf and after that on patch 94 he received his huuge nerf through the removal of heal of the Essence Flux and the attack speed buff and debuff component as well.

Immediately on the patch 94 B he received a medium nerf and I can think we can pull some of the conclusions for how strong Ezreal was before those 2 changes. On patch 99 he received a minor nerf and on patch 100 he took a medium sized hit to his base stats and base damages.

Here we go untouched for a while and receive some buffs until some minor nerfs of patch 1.46 and 1.50. On patch 1.54 he received am minor nerf and lastly on patch 3.01 he received another minor nerf.

9. Katarina

most nerfed LOL champions[formatp]Which is a funny one cause it actually comes from 16 minor nerfs, 0 medium sized nerfs and 0 big nerfs for an overall of 16 as well as Ezreal, being at a tie. But she has the tie breaker for the more overall nerfs.[/formatp]

She was released on September 19th 2009 or on patch 9.25.21. and after having received a few buffs her 1st nerf came of path 52, about 2 months after her release, her next one came on patch 70 and then again on 72 and 74. Lotsa nerfs.

After a reasonably sized buff she received a nerf again on patch 87 and thel later on, on patch 97. On patch 100 her Shumpo can no longer be casted while rooted and in patch 1.10, she received a minor damage nerf. After a minor buff on patch 1.15 she received a small nerf on her q and later on, on patch 1.51 and 1.54 she received some minor nerfs.

On patch 3.01 she received a hit to her Shumpo dmg reduction and after it took all the way to 4.20 for her to receive another nerf in a form of a hit for her early game ultimate. On patch 5.4 her passive got nerfed and on 5.6 she took a little big hit to her base stats and lastly on patch 5.11, the damage on her Shumpo was reduced.

8. Corki

most nerfed champions list[formatp]Who had 4 minor nerfs, 5 medium sized nerfs and one big nerf, putting him at a total of 17 nerf score. He was released on September 19th 2009 or patch 9.25.21, the same patch as Katarina in a pretty crazy state as we can tell form his 1st and only big nerf happening right after on patch 9.25.24, two weeks after his release took place.[/formatp]

Every single one of his abilities and his base stats take a hit. About 3 months later he received a medium sized nerf on patch 61 and another one on patch 63. After that he was in a pretty decent state until patch 1.05 where he received a medium sized nerf to his ultimate and on patch 1.06 he was hit with a minor nerf.

On 1.22 he took a medium hit to his damages on his kit and later on, on 1.46 he received another medium sized nerf. Fast forwardly a little bit he received some buffs on patch 3.13 and received a minor nerf to his ultimate. Fast forwarding again to patch 5.1 when he was hit with a nerf on the mana cost for his Valkirie, after that it came as a rework and his most recent nerf on patch 6.3 that wraps things up.

7. Shen

most nerfed champions[formatp]Who received 11 minor nerfs 3, medium and 0 big nerfs for the same total score or 17 to be tied with Corki as well but Shen gets the tie breaker for receiving more overall nerfs. Shen was released on March 24th 2010 or patch 81.[/formatp]

He was a bit too strong so about a month later on patch 83, he received medium sized nerf and some minor changes to all of his abilities but again on patch 85 he received another medium sized nerf aand after that he received a rework on patch 99 and then he was hit with a minor nerf on patch 100.

Shen got to relax a little bit until patch 1.15 where in a minor nerf the shield on his ultimate was lower. He received another minor nerf on patch 1.18 and again on patch 1.35 and 1.36. On patch 1.40 B he took a hit to the cooldown on his Key Strike and on 1.42 he took a hit to the cooldown on his ultimate.

And shortly after on patch 1.43 and 1.46 he was hit with minor nerfs and after that he wasn’t nerfed until patch 3.10 A where he received a medium sized nerf in a form of a hit for his ultimate and his W and another neft on patch 3.13. After then he took a really long break when on patch 5.11 where he received his most recent nerf.

6. Ryze

most nerfed lol champions[formatp]Who received 9 minor nerfs, 2 medium nerfs and 2 big boys for a total nerf score of 19. Ryze was part of the official 17 champions that the game began with so he was released on the February 21st 2009 and to kick things off of the 3rd week on the Alpha state he received a minor nerf to his Q and on the May 23rd 2009 patch he received a small hit, and on patch 9.22.7 he received another minor nerf an another one on patch 32.[/formatp]

After that he went through a rework and some minor buffs until another minor nerf on patch 82. On patch 83 he received a medium sized nerf and he went to go another rework on patch 1.16 he had a minor nerf.[quote text=”Part of the official 17 champions” align=”right”]

And after that he didn’t see too much action in terms of nerfs in a pretty long time and it wasn’t until patch 3.10 when he was hit with a medium sized nerf in the form of the range on his Q and W abilities.

Fast forward on patch 4.19 where he received a minor nerf and then we hit season 5 when on patch 5.8 he received his most recent rework which was a huuge nerf to his kit overall. After a huge buff he again received another big boy nerf on patch 5.12 with a big nerf to his passive Q and W.

In the patch 5.14 he received a medium sized nerf and in on patch 5.22 he was hit with a minor nerf and finally most recently on patch 6.3 with a pretty interesting change in a form of a nerf.

5. Kassadin

most nerfed champions list[formatp]Who received 11 minor nerfs, 1 medium sized nerf and 2 big nerfs. To put him again in a tie with Ryze. It started with August 7th 2009 or patch 9.22.7. Immediately he was hit with a minor nerf on the patch 9.22.9 and 9.22.16. After that his pulse Q ratio took a minor hit on patch 61 and he would go on to receive some buffs until patch 100 when the Riftwalk could no more be used while rooted.[/formatp]

On patch 1.13 we can see some changes when it come to an overall minor nerf and on patch 1.29 he received another minor nerf. To follow that up on patch 1.31, he was hit with a minor nerf in a form of cooldown increase to his Riftwalk. After that he would go on fairly untouched for some time, maybe a few minor buffs here and there until patch 3.13 when he was hit with a medium nerf to his base stats, Q and ultimate.

Later on patch 4.3 he was nerfed again and on patch 4.4 he was hit with a rework to his ult, with a massive overall nerf. After some buffs he would get some minor nerfs on patch 4.7 and 4.9 and again on 4.12. And finally to wrap things up he was hit with another nerf on patch 5.4 with a gutting to his range on his Riftwalk(they had something to deal with this ultimate- they didn’t quite like it). And his win rates went all times lows.

4. Sion

nerfed champions toplist[formatp]Who received 11 minor nerfs, 3 medium sized ones and one big nerf for a total nerf score of 20. He was also one of the original 17 champs and was released on February 21st 2009. And kicking things up he received in the 5st week of the Alpha stage a minor one.[/formatp]

And medium nerfs on the 6th and 7th weeks. Following up with that he was having another nerf on the April 11th 2009 patch and in the June 6th 2009 patch he was hit with his one big boy nerf that sorted the AP ratio and his W lowered to 100% on his AP.[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/6-best-supports-in-league-of-legends/” text=”6 Best Supports in League of Legends” align=”right”]

In the June 19th patch we saw another minor nerf. I think you can get a little bit of idea how Sion was before all those nerfs and it doesn’t stop there in the patch 9.25.34 his W took another minor hit and fast forward a little bit on patch 1.03 his W took another minor hit again.

Following that up he had some minor nerfs in 1.13 and 1.15 and in patch 1.29 his AP ratios took minor hits. He would go on and be fairly weak until that massive rework changed everything so we fast forward all the way up to patch 4.20 when he took another minor hit again and on patch 5.6 he received a minor nerf to his damages and finally to wrap things up on patch 5.8 his W was hit with a minor nerf.

3. Soraka

most nerfed champions[formatp]Who received 14 minor nerfs, 3 medium ones and 0 big nerfs, putting her on the total of 20. Similar to Ryze, Soraka was also a part of the 17 champs the game originally came with so she was released on February 21st 2009.[/formatp]

She received her first nerf in the 4th week on the Alpha state and she was hit with more minor nerfs on the May 23rd and May 29th 2009 patches. In the June 19th she was hit with another overall minor nerf. Following up that she received another minor nerf on July 10th 2009 patch and then getting outta Beta aproachin’ Season 1 she received minor nerfs on patch 86, 94 and 98, until patch 99 when she received her 1st medium sized nerf.

She went down to relax for a little bit until patch 1.24 where she received and overall medium size nerf. To follow that up on patch 1.34 she was hit with another medium sized one and another minor nerf on 1.29. On patch 1.42 she took a minor hit and after that we go on to calm down for a little bit and fast forward after her re-work all the way up to patch 4.8, where she was hit with a minor nerf and after another re-work she received another minor nerf on patch 4.21 and last to wrap things up she was hit on the patch 5.24 with a minor nerf.

2. Morgana

nerfed champions toplist[formatp]She has the Silver medal, with 12 minor nerfs, 3 medium sized, and one big nerf for a total nerf score of 21. Morg was one again who was part of the originals, that needing the most attention and the most overall swapping the meta to ensure a proper play for each one of the champions, changing them only to put them into a trend or something.[/formatp]

She was the same released on February 21st 2009. To kick things off she received a minor nerf on the April 25th 2009 patch and on the May 15th patch she received her one big nerf, taking hits to Q, W and E. Moving into the Beta she received minor nerfs on patch 9.22.15 and 9.22.16.[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/top-10-best-skins-in-league-of-legends-in-terms-of-valueofferings/” text=”Top 10 Best Skins in League of Legends in terms of Value/offerings” align=”right”]

On patch 9.25.21 she was hit with a minor nerf and to follow that up, immediately on patch 9.25.24 which took again hits on Q, W and E. Finally coming out of Beta she received minor nerfs on patch 52 and 61 and after that she was hit with a medium nerf on patch 1.03 dealing the hit-box on her Q and hits to her AP ratios and damage.

Again on patch 1.06 she received a minor nerf and later on 1.18 she was hit with another small nerf. After that she was hit with small nerfs on patches 1.26, 1.33 and 1.40, being un-nerfed for a really long time actually.

Fast forwarding all the way to patch 4 and in patch 4.14 she received a minor hit to her E and her ultimate and finally wrapping things up her W received a minor damage on patch 5.9.


1. Janna

most nerferd champions toplist[formatp]Lastly to take on the big prize we have Janna, my favorite champ of all time with 13 small nerfs, 2 medium sized and 2 big boys for a whapping nerf score of 23.[/formatp]

Janna was released on September 2nd 2009, or patch 9.22.16 and her 1st nerf wasn’t until a minor change on patch 83 actually, about half a year after her release but then she went on to receive a nerf rampage, unlike any other champion ever with small nerfs of path 86, 87, 94 and 94 B, coming his big boy nerf on patch 1.06, followed up by another small nerfs on patch 1.12.[quote text=”Overall of 23 nerf score” align=”right”]

After that it came with small nerfs on patches 1.20 and 1.36 to be followed up by her 1st medium sized nerf on patch 1.42, taking a decent hit to her W and ultimate. Following that up she received another minor nerf on patch 1.44 and will finally begin to slow down a little bit until patch 3.14 when she was hit with another gigantesque nerf that ruined her passive and gutted her Q, W and E abilities.

After that she went on going to receive some buffs some months later until patch 4.19 when she was hit with another minor nerf and on patches 5.1 and 5.4 was hit with minor nerfs again. Finally on patch 5.17 she received another medium sized nerf and recently on patch 6.6 taking her to an overall of 23.

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