10. Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot tv series cast[formatp]In the beginning Mr. Robot made me think it was some of iRobot kind of stuff… but I wasn’t that wrong being based on the same kinda ideology, with a Dexter’s psychopath sort of attention and redistribution of his talents, the same kind of voice that makes you feel sleepy and dizzied with no emotions whatsoever.[/formatp]

I hated Dexter, never seen any kind of things that resembled to my personality and sincerely, even though most people find it addictive, I find it boring as hell. I usually say that the introduction and the ending of a movie make the whole impression. The beginning was weak, few characters, none of them impressing or differentiated by a frustrated childhood kind of personality, the ones that think they can save the world. Read George Orwell and then start talking.

The fact that the main character has a fish-like face makes me laugh, or more like a chimp, looks kinda retarded with no acting skills involved in his role, nothing dramatically, only controversial or conspiracy, a story that every psychopath that lacks the elementary and I’m not talking about the TV series, could’ve written it.

[quote text=”This shit won over up Game of Thrones” align=”right”]Nothing plot-twisting that could make you want to see the next episode, nothing surprising or exciting, a prolonged Fight Club, but the difference is that that one was a really good movie and it didn’t take that much of a time to realize it. A dude who is really messed up, and I think all this “Evil Corp” is all in his head, talking even with the dog, not having any real friends actually.

Don’t really believe this shit won over up Game of Thrones anyhow. Awful scenery, flashies and plot. Terrible drawn actor making me wonder what’s worse in store for the villains, everyone looking up to something good or bad, breaking bad being, although a “bad movie”, a very good movie in terms of pay and reward, this series having only the hate for society that fuels up the main plot.

Really been a waste of my precious time, don’t really see what the CNN have seen in this series, and honestly, don’t want either. Probably it’s the fact that it’s a subject rarely approached and a bit sensitive relating the agenda of the great corporations that are on the verge of owning the most competitors to their sides, just as in like AMD and INTEL, when INTEL made the game and could put a price tag at whatever price they wanted, not being any competitors on the market. Or just probably, they Game of Thrones had suffice on the Golden Globe chapter and wanted some fresh meat get on the main seat.

9. Mad Max

[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/6-incredibly-expensive-movies/” text=”6 Incredibly Expensive Movies” align=”right”][formatp]Just as we are used with the Mad Max series, in a powerful reality disruptive, in a hard apocalyptical scenario, fairly reasonable for modern art but perfectly conservative in the flashy area, full of explosions, shots and action, a fairly good movie, with an amount of XXXXX invested in this movie’s ass, wasted in perfectly usable cars only for the viewer’s entertainment.[/formatp]

What could I say? I loved it except the fact that the entire movie I felt like in a Japanese combat scene where the voice was differentiated by the course of the mouth.

8. The Revenant

golden globe awards, the revenant[formatp]There’s no fucking for me that DiCaprio won the prize, it’s freaking DiCaprio for fucks sake, woah. Genius acting even though the bear scene felt like a year or so, brilliantly played looking extremely veridical in that scene, making you really feel that pain of his running through you as well.[/formatp]

Incredibly made film, with superb landscapes and acting, There’s no surprise that this movie won undisputable.

What astonished me is the fact that at 1:46:30 they kept a sequence in which a phone message is heard and has its print in the film, not bothering to cover that up, kept for eternity. Those damn phones back in 18’…

7. Carol

[quote text=”The most boring films I’ve  ever seen in my life” align=”right”][formatp]A bit tacky for my taste, one of the most boring films I’ve ever seen in my life. If there were a prize for boredom, most certainly this movie would win it.[/formatp]

Barely rational, a movie that expresses the drama of a middle-age woman struggling to fight the loneliness in which she herself put her in, a film for a niche of persons, barely being capable of understanding it.

Ok, I withdraw what I said. The lesbos scene from the near end of the movie made me wonder ”why the hell this didn’t receive something”, it kept my interests up for like 5 straight minutes.

It must be awarded. With something. By Pornhub or something. It is more like a Brokeback Mountain but in the other version, the only one that should exist. Stupid movie nonetheless.

6. The Martian

golden globe, matt damon[formatp]Brilliantly made film, with some resources at their dispose, keeping your mouth open like 2 thirds of the time hoping that will end off well for them, very immersing in that reality as well as captivating. I have nothing to mock in this movie, sincerely, a very good movie.[/formatp]

I understood now why it’s put on to musical or comedy having a little of both, having not less than 10 tracks displaying in along the movie, tearing you smile after smile, even could tear tears of happiness for the imaginary troubles solved in along.

Amazing twists now and then, nicely played by the main character Matt Damon, a very optimistic figure that makes you wanna go along the movie entirely. Bravos.

5. The Spy

Melissa McCarthy, golden globe awards[formatp]When I saw the cast I was like ”This one I really must see”. Obvious the main poster didn’t indicate some serious hardcore shit, but with hardcore Jason Statham, hoping it will be like Arnold Schwarzenegger with the kindergarten. Really up to see this one.[/formatp]

It starts like a classic James-Bond movie except the fact that it’s a non-conformist kind of spy, with a cubicle from which the transmission comes, with jokes sprinkled all around the phases. Even the music at the beginning resembles a James-Bond soundtrack.

Funny and not at all serious movie, even though it’s a spy movie, keeping a smile on your face throughout the whole movie, not tearing up too much laughs though. Forced jokes at every 5 minutes with Jason seemingly keeping up his badass skin over that layer, good play nonetheless making out of pure dust the single-most prolific agent there ever was in the entire history of heroes.[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/10-best-comedy-movies-with-black-actors/” text=”10 Best Comedy Movies with Black Actors” align=”right”]

With twists that the viewer would not be able to anticipate in any way, almost ridiculous, killing Jude Law at the beginning – if I were a chick I would’ve shut down the movie in the next second-but I’m not and I’m quite glad, with the main character Melissa McCarthy getting friends with the bad character Rose Byrne in order to find the nuclear device and I’m quite anxious what surprises can withhold this movie any further.

What a stupid fucking retarded toast” in the place scene made my thoughts come out loud in the voice of Rose Byrne, making it a hilarious one from my perspective, sounding exactly as I would’ve expressed it. This movie is killing me. Overall, a very good comedy with new incomes at every step, getting out of the spy genre into something much more fresh.

4. Joy

Jennifer Lawrence, Golden Globes Awards 2016[formatp]Seeing the black and white screening made me think ”oh, no, not again. Why me?” then it all faded back to normal. More like a disturbed kinda family situation in everything is a mess, all being garbage, a drama in the real meaning of the word.[/formatp]

It’s a story of a fighter who tries to fulfill her dream while stuck up with a divorced husband and also a divorced dad, all in the same old house. De Niro is put in a nasty secondary part while the main perspective it’s looked upon Jennifer Lawrence who has caught upon a serious amount of experience from the Hunger Games, succeeding not only to immerse us in her fucked-up universe, described by her grandmother with a series of skills that we see only in big names who have played a long career, handling in bringing us on the verge of our own reality and gasping the air with the actors.

In addition she is fighting the system to overcome her unsuccessful career with a low expectance business, borrowing money from her father’s fresh lover. In the end, Joy’s being rejoiced for her efforts. Like what I did there?

3. Creed

 Sylvester Stallone, Golden Globes Awards[formatp]Hmmm, Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone. This should be a boring movie, not even bothering to review it. Nothing interesting to see here.[/formatp]

I’ve got nothing bad to say about this movie, the lines are brilliant, the background music captivating, the story is just mesmerizing and Sylvester Stallone tore smiles from me every time he opened his mouth and definitely earned his prize. This movie is worth every buck, not gonna lie to ya, couldn’t get me eyes from it.

2. Steve Jobs

golden globe awards, steve jobs[formatp]The main reason this movie had such a huge impact is purely the fact that Steve Jobs was the main character in a sitcom for nearly 30 years, keeping the Americans and the English speaker nations entertained in the most simple and yet such a visionary way, the way of the American dream lived in front of their eyes.[/formatp]

The format is a documentary type, hoping with all my heart it wasn’t so when I watched it the first time, hoping that if would be more like “The Network” of Mark Zuckenberg, picking up to see that it’s still catchy-probably from the games background music keeping you in the same movie.

[quote text=”I said to myself, put your seat-belts on” align=”right”]All people told what they thought about Steve, but after his death, most people having a resentment or an envy upon him before that, having no other kind of footage before the death besides him talking about his inventions and how it would change the world. Overall a good movie, sorry, documentary that will get to you even from the beginning, keeping it in that rhythm till the end.

My first thought when it started ”why the heck is it starting with his death? shouldn’t our lives, or stories end with the death?”. “this will be another fucked-up movie I said to myself, put your seat-belts on”, but, disappointingly it was not, it was one of that bullshit documentary-type like in Justin Bieber or Michael Jackson, but Bieber is still alive, probably he was just announcing his death.

1. The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino award, Golden Globes[formatp]Tarantino, Tarantino, Where, where? Damn I love this guy’s movies and really looking up in seeing this one as well. Almost three hours of pure entertainment.[/formatp]

The 8th movie of Quentin Tarantino is catching up on with some new old format, in chapters, the usual from the unusual. Having Tim Roth and Samuel L. ”English motherfucker, do you speak it?” Jackson starring is really a feast for my eyes, being one of my favorite actors present out there in the flea market.

Walking out in the blizzard with a damn oil lamp is sure going to get him a bright view in front. Kinda stupid situation to be looking upon in the first chapter, but’s one of a kind perspective.

[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/6-films-with-over-95-rating-on-rotten-tomatoes/” text=”6 Films with over 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes” align=”right”]With Kurt Russell as John Ruth, Jennifer Jason Leigh as Daisy Domergue and Michael Madsen as Joe Gage in completion of this staggering stars make an unusual cast, pardon me, usual, finding themselves in the same usual, very normal situation in carrying a wanted lady (never heard of killers in the western period as being ladies but whatever), usual as well, throughout a usual blizzard alongside Samuel L. “English” Jackson to get their ransom for their prey.

With a budget of $62 million and a gross of a little over $42 million, I’d say this movie is really underrated in the movie market, a bit of a letdown for one of the greatest directors of all time, a really morale downwards the slope, with a badly understood previous Django Unchained, a movie that stayed on my retina sincerely, one of the greatest action movie, a bit exaggerated to make the whole idea of the movie stick out.


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