5. Katherine Heigl

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[formatp]Once famous for being the best paid actress in Hollywood, the appearances of pretentious Katherine Heigl (36 years old) in cinemas seem to be barely rare now. And it’s no surprise if we think that Heigl constantly criticizes all the people she worked with and she uses offensive words to describe the projects she was part of. People say she is incredibly rude and has some of the most exaggerate claims. Heigl sais that Knocked Up (2007) is a sexist film and she claims she would never accept an Emmy nomination for Grey’s Anatomy because of the bad script. One of the persons who worked with the actress on Life As We Know It, in 2010, told showbizspy.com that on the movie set Heigl manages to create desperately difficult situations. She can cost a lot every day shooting because she claims wardrobe issues, a lot of questions on the script, day by day. And it seems that Katherine inherited this behavior from her mother, Nancy Heigl who is also known as a pain on the sets. One of her colleagues said she was swearing all the time and you could never get her pleased. But, the source also declared this is very frustrating because the actress is very talented and smart.[/formatp]

4. Gwyneth Paltrow

gwyneth-paltrow[formatp]42 years old Gwyneth Paltrow, the one who uses the shower at the gym only after it was completely dry because she doesn’t want to make contact with the water a person before her used is also known as a nightmare on the movie set. For example, during the shootings for Iron Man2, Paltrow avoided the other lead actress, Scarlett Johansson as if she was ill contagious because of pure jealousy and competitive spirit. She’s not using beautiful words for other actors either. She said that Reese Witherspoon is a great actress playing in dumping comedies only to gain fame and money.[/formatp]

3. Megan Fox

megan-fox-net-worth2[formatp]Megan Fox (29 years old) is a natural born star! In her opinion, director Michael Bay was like Adolf Hitler on the movie set for Transformers and it was a nightmare to work with him. In an interview for GQ magazine, Bay commented the actress’ words. He told Megan he is sorry he made her work 12 hours a day and asked her to be on the set on time and that movies aren’t always warm and comfortable. Part of the crew was on the director’s side. They said Fox is different from all the other Oscar actors and that she is unbelievable rude. After her comparison with Adolf Hitler, Steven Spielberg told Bay to actually fire the actress. This is the reason why she was actually replaced in the third part of the movie with Rosie Hungtington-Whiley. To save her image, Megan said she is the one who decided to quit the series in order to manage different projects, but she was attacked form several directions. Her ex-colleagues said that Michael found this young girl with no experience and gave her the biggest chance a young actress can get: he made her famous! She was about to become the new Angelina Jolie, but she lost the chance because Angelina is a pro, and Megan isn’t![/formatp]

2. Bruce Willis

Bruce-Willis-Wallpapers[formatp]According to the director of Cop Out, Kevin Smith, Bruce Willis (60 years old) has a natural gift in drawing the shades over the director crew, assuming himself this role. Even more, during the tour of the movie, Willis refused to take photos or answer the journalists’ questions. The actor annoyed the director so much that during the party for launching the movie, Kevin Smith thanked everyone in the movie except Bruce Willis, who is an idiot. It’s true that Hollywood usually covers-up the conflicts, but sometimes the directors actually takes revenge on actors on public declarations about their behavior on the movie set.[/formatp]

1. Russell Crowe

Russell_Crowe[formatp]51 years old Russel Crowed showed up drunk on the movie set several times and he is known as a recalcitrant person, who gets annoyed really fast and vents his anger on the crew members. People say he once threw a telephone on another employee on the movie set. While he was shooting for “The Gladiator” (2000), the actor publicly criticized the script, actually saying that is crap but he is the greatest actor in the world and he manages to make everything sound fantastic. But Crowe is also famous for ruining Meg Ryan’s marriage. In 2001, he “made up” with Meg on the movie set while shooting together for “Proof Of Life” and this led to her divorce after nine years of marriage with another famous actor Dennis Quaid. The love story between Meg and Russel also ended up short time after her divorce.[/formatp]

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