[formatp]V[/formatp]irtual currencies have already started appearing a decade ago, but today, they have increased in popularity and value by tenfold. Even though there are numerous cryptocurrencies, (such as Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin and Ripple – click on the links and learn more about them) Bitcoin (BTC) still remains the most valuable one of the bunch. Its price has skyrocketed in a couple of months and everybody wants to get in on the action.

This English Optioment review tells you everything you need to know about the best Bitcoin investment fund. You will learn more about:

bitcoin optiomentThankfully, the team behind this online investment fund has made it easy to start, even for those who are not well-versed in cryptocurrencies or IT in general. So, if you want to change your financial status or you simply want to invest into Bitcoin, learning more about Optioment is a great idea!

Before we begin, you need to know a few things about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular. If you do not have the necessary know-how on this topic, be sure to do some research. We’ll make the learning process easier for you, as you can check out one of our previous articles on the subject. Read about the 8 most interesting Bitcoin facts and/or check out the history of Bitcoin.

Now that you know at least what Bitcoin is and how it operates, it is time to delve into Optioment and find out how to use it to your advantage!

What is Optioment?

[formatp]A[/formatp]s I’ve mentioned before, Optioment is an online Bitcoin investment fund, created by a Danish investment genius. Optioment allows you to deposit Bitcoins onto your personal account and get a profitable interest rate on it. This already sounds good, but what’s even better is that this interest rate is 2% of the total amount AND you get paid every week. This is impressive and it’s all thanks to Optioment’s state-of-the-art trading robots and the professionals that are behind the company.

Basically, how the Optioment system operates is that the trading robots make profitable Bitcoin arbitrage trades at high speed. The profit they make on the exchange market isn’t much per transaction, but the speed of the trading robots allows for high overall profit. The trades are also happening instantaneously because of Bitcoin’s fast transactions. This trading technology is unique to Optioment and they are constantly trying to improve it.

If you’re already on-board, click here and open an Optioment account now! However, if you want further information first, be sure to continue reading about the best Bitcoin investment fund!

[imp]Check out Optioment’s official YouTube channel for their introduction video and more![/imp]

How does Optioment work?

[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/why-bitcoin-is-called-the-digital-gold/” text=”Why is Bitcoin called the digital gold” align=”right”]

[formatp]W[/formatp]hen people hear 2% interest rate on a weekly basis, some might immediately start shouting that this is another Ponzi scheme. However, if you take a closer look at Optioment, you will see that it’s clearly nothing like that. The interest rate doesn’t rely on new members joining, but rather on the advanced technology that this investment fund uses. You will get your 2% interest rate, regardless of how much money goes into the system. They pay you the 2% and take the rest of the profit and reinvest it into the system. This ensures stability and guarantees that your funds are always safe.

Only a certain percentage can be withdrawn from the 2% interest rate that you make every week. Currently, Optioment offers 30-70% reinvestment rate. Every user has the option of choosing how much of the weekly income they want to reinvest. If you choose 30%, 70% of the weekly interest will be paid to you, while 30% of it will stay in the system. This increases the total amount of Bitcoins you have in your account, thus increasing your interest every week further and further.

[imp]You can easily calculate how much money you can make with Optioment with this online calculator![/imp]

Another important thing to remember is that the initial investment cannot be withdrawn instantly. It needs to stay in the system for at least one year. This means that you can only withdraw your initial deposit, plus your earnings after the first year has passed. Of course, anything that was reinvested also needs to stay in the system for a year. Meaning, that in order for you to withdraw everything, two years need to pass from the start of your initial deposit.

The Advantages of Optioment

Optioment only uses Bitcoins

All cryptocurrencies come with numerous benefits over other fiat currencies; however, Optioment only uses Bitcoins. It was the very first cryptocurrency and it is also the most stable one. Bitcoin’s price has been growing steadily over the last few years and it gained value exponentially over a couple of month period. This makes it a smart choice for an online investment fund and this is why Optioment only uses Bitcoins.

[imp]If you’re interested in trading with cryptocurrencies, Bitpanda can be extremely beneficial for you. Check out what Bitpanda is offering by clicking on the link![/imp]
Bitpanda Coinimal

Although, other cryptocurrencies can rival Bitcoin in the long run, because of the advanced technology that’s behind them. Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin and Ripple all have great technologies backing them up, so you should keep an eye out for them too. By clicking on the links, you can learn more about individual cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies are also safe due to the system that they’re built on. Blockchain technology ensures that no fraud can be done and that everybody’s assets are securely protected. This is one of the most advantageous things about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Their decentralized nature. This means that there’s no bank or government issued agency overseeing all transactions and holding the supply.

If you don’t know what this technology that I’m referring to is, be sure to check out our article on it. Click on the following link and read everything you need to know about Blockchain technology!


The Optioment registration process is simple

Because of how Bitcoins work, there’s no need for personal information when creating an Optioment account. You have the option of giving your full name, but you can just as easily remain anonymous too. Only basic information is necessary for opening an Optioment account. All you have to do is fill out a simple form and that’s it. You need to choose a username, with a unique password and enter your email address. You also have to enter your Bitcoin wallet address; this is how you deposit and withdraw your money. The whole process of creating an Optioment account doesn’t take longer than 5 minutes. The team behind Optioment has made creating an account simple and fast.

Optioment member dashboard

Once you have completed the registration process, you can start depositing Bitcoins into your Optioment account. As you can see from the picture, the dashboard gives you all the necessary information that you’ll need. You can keep count of how much money you have made in total, in referrals and also how much you have withdrawn. Of course, if you want, you can delve into the analytics further using their advanced user settings.

Optioment does all the work for you

One of the great things about Optioment is that you don’t really have to do much to earn a profit using the system. Since all of the technical stuff is done by them, you can simply lay back and get paid. Optioment takes Bitcoins and they trade them on the stock exchange market. The profit they gain from it is allowing them to offer the 2% interest rate on a weekly basis.

Optioment is safe

[outgoing link=”http://6toplists.com/the-top-10-cryptocurrencies-in-2017/” text=”Top 10 Cryptocurrencies in 2017″ align=”right”]

Everything has a risk factor in life. Regardless of what you choose to invest your money into, it is never absolutely safe. However, Bitcoins and Optioment itself is one of the safest options you have when it comes to keeping your money guarded.

The reason why Optioment is so secure is because they put extra effort into keeping their users’ money safe. A percentage of the company’s revenue is put aside as deposit protection for their users. This means that even if something does go wrong, they can ensure that you’re not the one suffering the consequences. Around 25% of all deposits on Optioment are done by the founder of the system. We are talking about millions of euros as deposit protection. Even part of the net income of the company is reinvested into the system. This ensures additional income for the users, as well as stability.

The only disadvantage of Optioment

[formatp]T[/formatp]he only problem some people might have with the Optioment system is the initial minimal deposit. When the system was launched (2016, September) the minimal deposit amount was 1 BTC. As Bitcoin’s price went up, the minimal deposit was lowered to 0.5 BTC. Since the value of a Bitcoin has skyrocketed in recent months, the smallest amount that you can deposit into Optioment has been lowered even further. Currently, it stands at 0.15 BTC for the minimum deposit that’s allowed.

The other disadvantage that people have mentioned is that Optioment only accepts Bitcoins and no other cryptocurrency. A lot of people have started purchasing and trading with Ethereum, Dash or Litecoins, but Optioment doesn’t work with these cryptocurrencies. Of course, we understand the reasoning behind them only accepting Bitcoins as currency.

[imp]BitPanda is a great place for those who want to trade with cryptocurrencies. They work with Bitcoins, Ethereum and various other currencies too. Check out their website now![/imp]

If you are determined to invest your Bitcoins, Optioment is the best option you have. There really aren’t any other disadvantages to using this online investment fund. Click here and register your personal Optioment account now!

Passive income through the Optioment referral system

[formatp]A[/formatp]nother impressive feature of Optioment is the referral program that they offer. You receive a percentage of the referred user’s initial investment, as well as their reinvestments. Obviously, this isn’t taken away from the invited user, but rather paid extra by Optioment.

There are different trader levels your account can reach. Each level comes with an additional benefit. The more people you invite, the higher rank you’ll reach and the more money you’ll make. Sharing is caring and this saying cannot be truer for Optioment and Bitcoin.

If you have been invited by a friend or a website, it is only common decency to enter their name as a referrer. If people register through you, you become their referrer. And if something’s good, you should tell people about it! If you do, you will be rewarded for it. This is how the Optioment referral system works.

bitcoin investment


[formatp]B[/formatp]itcoin’s price is constantly going up and it’s currently the best time to invest into this cryptocurrency. The sooner you start, the more money you can make. This is an opportunity that you will regret not taking when it was the prime time for it. Due to the system’s safe nature and the profitable interest rates, many people have already started using Optioment. And they are making a sustainable passive income ever since! Hopefully, reading an English Optioment review helped you understand the principal of the best Bitcoin investment fund.

The team behind Optioment has recently started another investment plan. Bitley’s is similar to Optioment in some ways, but it allows investors to choose different business plans. For example, at Bitley’s you have the option of choosing between 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% interest rate. The contract period also changes depending on the plan that you have chosen. Click here to check out our review of Bitley’s!

[imp]If you would rather learn more about Bitley’s through their official website, be sure to click here![/imp]


If you’re still craving for knowledge about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, be sure to read all of the related articles that we’ve published:

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