Best Vampire TV Shows

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[formatp]Everyone is definitely tangled up in the whole vampire idea. Are they real? Are they walking among us? How can I become one? Only the name alone just screams mystery and there are more than enough legends to go around that inspire us.[/formatp] [CustomTables] Vampire fiction has caused a big craze in the 18th century […]

Best Vampire TV Shows 3rd-1st place

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3rd: The Originals [formatp]Have you ever had that characters that you didn`t get enough of but their part in the show was over? The Vampire Diaries have come up with the perfect solution for this problem, by creating a spinoff of their show in The Originals. Don`t be hesitant to watch it just because it […]

Best Vampire TV Shows 6th-4th place

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6th: Dracula (2013) [formatp]I think this show was probably grossly underrated because it had too few in common with the idea of Dracula that was built up among the years, but if you will give it a chance, you`ll see just how much potential it has.[/formatp] Although it`s entirely different from Bram Stoker`s version, the […]

Best Vampire TV Shows 8th-7th place

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8th: Buffy the Vampire Slayer [formatp]This show is probably the first love of all vampire fans. The only people who dislike it are the ones who were decided on forming a quick decision against it without even giving it a chance.[/formatp] The writer Josh Whedon has come up with one of the funniest TV show […]

Best Fifty Shades of Grey – Christian Grey Moments

[formatp]From dominating acts of sexual encounter to enigmatic ways of talking to his favorite submissive reporter, Anastasia Steele, Christian Grey is currently the worldwide sex-symbol that women admire and from which men learn. If you think that his hot appearance isn’t good enough to make the character, his intensity that simply captures your attention will […]

Best Fifty Shades of Grey – Anastasia Steele Moments

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[formatp]If you saw the Fifty Shades of Grey already you should probably notice the familiarity of the plot. And if you haven’t seen it yet don’t forget to take notice of these similarities. The modern movie myth based on the social life could easily be observed in movies like “A Star Is Born” or “Pretty […]

Best Fifty Shades of Grey Book-Movie Differences

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[formatp]If you read the book of E. L. James you are probably dying to see the film adaptation that has already been released on Valentine’s Day to the audience, making out of the bestseller a box-office smash. [/formatp] This following article seeks to review the movie and to inform fellow fans over what scenes you […]

Best Teacher-Student Movies

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[formatp]When we hear about school, some of us might shudder, as the first image we get is most likely an unpleasant one : waking up early when you`d rather just be sleeping, then sitting still for hours in a row and going through endless classes that you find boring, that isn`t really our idea of […]

Best Teacher-Student Movies 3rd-1st place

[mainart url=”” title=”Best teacher-student movies”] 3rd: Bad Teacher [formatp] While this movie might not have the same load of life changing lessons as the previous two, it still sketches a teacher who, in her own ways, tries to help her students achieve academic success.[/formatp] The story We sort of set off with the wrong foot […]

Best Teacher-Student Movies 7th-4th place

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7th: A Teacher [formatp]A Teacher is a movie that will leave you feeling drained, even exhausted, as it revolves around obsession; a movie with no resolution except waiting for the other thud to drop. By continually deferring dramatic tension, the filmmaker puts more weight on the movie’s closing scenes — which are abrupt but true […]

Best Teacher-Student Movies 11th-8th place

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11th: All Things Fair [formatp]As another movie not destined to be watched as a family movie, “All Things Fair” overflows with ideas, characters and subplots. This is a story about an affair between a high school student and his teacher. The events, feelings and interactions that make it up are just as real as the […]

Best Valentine’s Movies 3rd-1st place

3rd: Dear John [formatp]We`ve all heard stories about brave soldiers on the front carrying in their pockets pictures and love letters received from their loved ones. This movie tells the heartbreaking story of a young couple who fail to find happiness together. But despite the bittersweet loss of their romance, the story if softened by […]

Best Valentine’s Movies 6th-4th place

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6th: The Ghost [formatp]Yet another unique approach to the theme of love, the movie Ghost combines a series of popular film genres, blending comedy, romance, action, and a touch of horror. It’s an unpredictable, mesmerizing journey.[/formatp] The story The story begins during the evening, when a New York couple, Sam and Molly, are confronted by […]

Best Valentine’s Movies 10th-7th place

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10th: Love and Basketball [formatp]After so many tear-jerking movies, this is one that even the boys are probable to enjoy. Despite not ending with a Big Game, “Love and Basketball” can still be considered a sports movie, and due to its romantic side, it may be unique in its league. It’s a thoughtful and touching […]

Best Valentine’s movies

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[formatp]As the date of 14th approaches, we feel the need to find that unique present or plan that perfect date that will swipe our significant other off their feet. Or maybe some of us have the problem of writing the perfect declaration with which to confess our love to our crush. While it`s never too […]

Love and Basketball

[formatp]After so many tear-jerking movies, this is one that even the boys are probable to enjoy. Despite not ending with a Big Game, “Love and Basketball” can still be considered a sports movie, and due to its romantic side, it may be unique in its league. It’s a thoughtful and touching story about two kids […]

When Harry met Sally

[formatp]This movie finds an answer the age old question: “Does sex make it impossible for men and women to be true friends?” The plot revolves around the relationship between Harry and Sally who meet in college, then pursue their own lives until they reconnect ten years later. It takes them 12 years to fall in […]

The Best of Me

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[formatp]While this movie has not met with good reviews over the time, The Best of Me remains a heart-wrenching tale, a romance with dramatic twists and with some positive messages, most notably the power of forgiveness and the importance of being with someone who brings out the best in you. It revolves around a second […]


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[formatp]Casablanca is without a doubt one of the most beloved American films. The classic and much-loved romantic melodrama is in a class all of its own and defies any standard categorization. The story is a masterful tale of two men fighting over the same woman’s love in a love triangle.[/formatp] It`s the story of Rick […]

The Ghost

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[formatp]Yet another unique approach to the theme of love, the movie Ghost combines a series of popular film genres, blending comedy, romance, action, and a touch of horror. It’s an unpredictable, mesmerizing journey.[/formatp] The story begins during the evening, when a New York couple, Sam and Molly, are confronted by a mugger. Despite submitting to […]